We have had a great start to our 2017-2018 wrestling season! Attendance has been great at practices and the wrestlers are progressing well. We are excited for the upcoming season. Below is information on practice days and times for the elementary school room and the middle school room. Please ensure your wrestler has the following items with them at every practice: wrestling gear (shoes, headgear, etc), appropriate attire (shorts, tshirt) and most importantly WATER.
* Your wrestlers will need to bring water bottles with them so when water breaks occur there isn't a line of 15 wrestlers waiting to use the fountain. This holds up practice and progress in the room.
Elementary School Practices:
Tuesday Nights at Blackhawk Gym in the back room from 6:30pm-8:15pm.
Thursday Nights at Blackhawk Gym in the back room from 6:30pm-8:15pm.
Middle School Practices:
Monday Nights at Blackhawk Gym in the front room from 6:30pm-8:30pm.
Tuesday Nights at Blackhawk Gym in the front room from 6:30pm-8:30pm.
Thursday Nights at Blackhawk Gym in the front room from 6:30pm-8:30pm.